Prescriptive Process models Waterfall Model. Incremental Process Model. Evolutionary Process Model. Concurrent model ppt download

Prescriptive Process models Waterfall Model. Incremental Process Model. Evolutionary Process Model. Concurrent model ppt download


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1. No excuses

Nobody has a perfect life and all of us are faced with occasional injustice and variables. Rather than sitting there feeling pity for yourself, allowing it to get to you and providing you reason to make excuses, move ahead and put it behind you. Utilize it as motivation and use this time to grow and learn.

2. It isn't only about materialism

Materialistic things are absolutely a portion of your motivation, yet they ought to be only a small part of the motivation inside you. The really successful people in life always get to the top because they made changes in the lives of others, not their own.

3. Get up early

As the saying goes, the early bird always gets the worm. Successful individuals do not sleep in late or take a day off. They work very passionately and hard every day until they attain their goals. Your may have to tone down your social life, but, with early mornings, your focus will be completely on your objective.

4. Keep active

The greatest commodity all of us have is time, yet energy is just as crucial as time. Keeping physically active provides greater blood-flow to the brain, improved focus, and enhanced alertness. Make physical training a regular portion of your life and boost your opportunities at success.

5. Adhere to principles

Morals and principles are two things which sometimes seem nonexistent in our modern society, like a thing of the past. Identify which principles you have to guide your life through the rough times and the good times. Your morals and principles should not change, no matter what.

6. Self-confidence

I can't stress how vital it is to have unbreakable faith in yourself. A lot of people question if their dream will ever come true. Strong people have unbreakable faith and know what they're doing is right.

7. Have a reason

You'd be surprised how insecure most successful individuals are. What motivates most of them to succeed is wanting to prove something to other people.
From that insecurity emerges a need to elevate their status and develop change, a need so strong that failure is not an option. If you have a desire to be successful you must have that powerful driving force to remain motivated.

8. They persevered as others did not

Quitting never should be an option. The only time you ought to stop is when you have attained your goal. Then, develop a new goal.

9. Relentless study

If you know the system you'll understand how you can beat it. Our society often downgrades expertise, but it is crucial. Take hours to study to perfection. Humble yourself and understand your craft better than anybody else.
Becoming a drone and merely going through the motions isn't any way to accomplish greatness. You must study your craft--assuming success is something you want.

10. Risk

With no risk comes no reward, as the saying goes. Those who accomplish the most success lay it all on the line for what they are passionate about. It really takes guts to risk everything, yet ultimately that is what you need to do. If you believe in what you're doing, there shouldn't be any fear in betting your life on it.
Take risks if you really want to see reward. Discover your dream, and risk everything to get it. The world is your oyster!
My Channal


motivational quotes

உன்னால் முடியும் என்று எண்ணுவதையோ அல்லது முடியும் என்று கனவு காண்பதையோ துணிந்து தொடங்கு. உனது துணிவிலேயே அறிவும், ஆற்றலும், மந்திரமும் அடங்கியுள்ளன.
- Goethe.

நம்பிக்கையோடு உன் முதலடியை எடுத்து வை. முழுப் படிக்கட்டையும் நீ பார்க்க வேண்டிய அவசியமில்லை. முதல் படியில் ஏறு.
- Martin Luther King Jr.

செய்ய முடியும் என்று நம்பு. ஒன்றைச் செய்ய முடியும் என்று நீ முழுதாய் நம்பும்போது, உன் மனம் அதைச் செய்து முடிக்கும் வழிகளைக் கண்டறியும். ஒரு காரியத்தில் வைக்கும் நம்பிக்கை, அந்தக் காரியத்தை முடிக்கும் வழியையும் காட்டுகிறது.
- Dr. David Schwartz

நம்பிக்கையுள்ள மனிதனுக்கு, எப்போதும் ரோஜாதான் கண்ணில் படும்;முட்கள் இல்லை -டிக்கன்ஸன்


My Blogger Slide's


Adobe Flash Short Cuts ( All Version )

Insert FrameF5
Delete FrameShift–F5
Insert KeyframeF6
Clear KeyframeShift–F6
Insert Blank KeyframeF7
RewindShift–Comma (,)
Step Forward One FramePeriod (.)
Step Backward One FrameComma (,)
Symbols & Shapes
Convert to SymbolF8
Create New SymbolCmd–F8
Break ApartCmd–B
Bring ForwardCmd–Up Arrow
Bring to FrontOpt–Shift–Up Arrow
Send BackwardCmd–Down Arrow
Send to BackOpt–Shift–Down Arrow
Distribute to LayersCmd–Shift–D
Paste in PlaceCmd–Shift–V
Add Shape HintCmd–Shift–H
Show Shape HintsCmd–Opt–H
Document PropertiesCmd–J
Hide All PanelsF4
Test MovieCmd–Return
Bandwidth Profiler (while in Test Movie)Cmd–B
Simulate Download (while in Test Movie)Cmd–Return
Import to StageCmd–R


Shortcut Photoshop CC2015

Photoshop CC 2015

Draw marquee selection from centerAlt–drag selection
Add to a selectionShift
Subtract from a selectionAlt
Intersect with a selectionShift–Alt
Make copy of selection w/Move toolAlt–drag selection
Make copy of selection when not in Move toolCtrl–Alt–drag selection
Move selection (in 1-pixel increments)Arrow keys
Move selection (in 10-pixel increments)Shift–Arrow keys
Select all opaque pixels on layerCtrl–click on layer thumbnail (in Layers panel)
Reselect last selectionCtrl–Shift–D
Feather selectionShift–F6
Move marquee while drawing selectionHold Spacebar while drawing marquee
Fit on ScreenDouble–click on Hand tool or Ctrl–0
100% View Level (Actual Pixels)Double–click on Zoom tool or Ctrl–1
Zoom inCtrl–Spacebar–click or Ctrl–Plus(+)
Zoom outAlt–Spacebar–click or Ctrl–Minus(–)
Hide/Show all tools and panelsTab
Hide/Show all panels except Tools panel and Options barShift–Tab
Cycle through full screen modesF
Scroll image left or right in windowCtrl–Shift–Page Up/Down
Jump/Zoom to part of ImageCtrl–drag in Navigator panel
Toggle layer mask on/off as rubylith\
Create new layerCtrl–Shift–N
Select non-contiguous layersCtrl–click layers
Select contiguous layersClick one layer, then Shift–click another layer
Delete LayerDelete key (while in the Move tool)
View contents of layer maskAlt–click layer mask icon
Temporarily turn off layer maskShift–click layer mask icon
Clone layer as you move itAlt–drag
Find/Select layer containing objectRight–click on the object w/Move tool
Change layer opacityNumber pad keys (w/Move tool selected)
Cycle down or up through blending modesShift–Plus(+) or Minus(–)
Change to a specific blending mode(w/Move tool) Shift–Alt–letter (i.e.: N=Normal, M=Multiply. etc.)
Switch to layer below/above current layerAlt–[ or Alt–]
Move layer below/above current layerCtrl–[ or Ctrl–]
Select all text on layerDouble–click on T thumbnail in Layers panel
Increase/Decrease size of selected text by 1 ptCtrl–Shift–> or <
Increase/Decrease size of selected text by 5 ptsCtrl–Shift–Alt–> or <
Increase/Decrease kerning/trackingAlt–Right/Left Arrow
Align text left/center/rightCtrl–Shift–L/C/R
Fill selection with Background colorCtrl–Backspace
Fill selection with Foreground colorAlt–Backspace
Fill selection with Foreground color using Lock Transparent PixelsShift–Alt–Backspace
Fill selection with source state in History panelCtrl–Alt–Backspace
Display Fill dialog boxShift–Backspace
Sample as background colorAlt–click w/Eyedropper tool
To get Move toolWhile in any painting/editing tool, hold Ctrl
To get Eyedropper with painting toolsAlt
Change paint opacity (with Airbrush OFF)Number keys
Change paint opacity (with Airbrush ON)Shift–Number keys
Change Airbrush flow (with Airbrush ON)Number keys
Change Airbrush flow (with Airbrush OFF)Shift–Number keys
To get Crosshair CursorWhile in any painting/editing tool, turn Caps Lock on
Decrease/Increase brush size[ or ]
Decrease/Increase hardness of brushShift–[ or Shift–]
Switch between preset brushes< or >
Open Brushes pop-up panelRight–click in image window
Erase to History panel's source stateAlt–Eraser
Cycle down or up through blend modesShift–Plus(+) or Minus(–)
Change to a specific blend modeShift–Alt–letter (i.e.: N=Normal, M=Multiply, etc.)
Create fixed color target from within a dialog boxShift–click in image window
Delete fixed color targetAlt–click on target with Color Sampler tool
Create new Spot Color channel from current selectionCtrl–click on New Channel button in Channels panel
Pen Tool & Paths
To get Direct Selection tool while using Pen toolCtrl
Switch between Add Anchor and Delete Anchor Point toolsAlt
Switch from Path Selection tool to Convert Point tool when pointer is over anchor pointCtrl–Alt
To select a whole path w/Direct Selection toolAlt–click
Convert path to a selectionCtrl–click on path name (in Paths panel)
Show/Hide Brushes panelF5
Show/Hide Color panelF6
Show/Hide Layers panelF7
Show/Hide Info panelF8
Show/Hide Actions panelAlt–F9
Open Adobe BridgeCtrl–Alt–O
Miscellaneous Good Stuff
Switch between open documentsCtrl–Tab
Undo or Redo operations beyond last oneCtrl–Alt–Z/Ctrl–Shift–Z
Reapply last filter usedCtrl–F
Reapply last filter used, but display dialog box to alter settingsCtrl–Alt–F
Temporarily switch to Hand toolSpacebar
Reset dialog boxHold Alt, Cancel turns into Reset button, click it
Increase/Decrease value (in any option field) by 1 unitUp/Down Arrow
Increase/Decrease value (in any option field) by 10 unitsShift–Up/Down Arrow
Reapply last transformationCtrl–Shift–T
Measure angle between lines (Protractor function)After ruler is drawn, Alt–drag end of line with Ruler tool
Move Crop/Selection marquee while creatingHold Spacebar while drawing
Snap Guide to Ruler ticksHold Shift while dragging
Highlight fields in Options bar (n/a for all tools)Enter
Don't snap object edge while movingHold Control while dragging
VMove and Artboard tools
MMarquee tools
LLasso tools
WQuick Selection, Magic Wand
CCrop and Slice Tools
IEyedropper, 3D Material Eyedropper, Color Sampler, Ruler, Note, Count
JSpot Healing Brush, Healing Brush, Patch, Content-Aware Move, Red Eye
BBrush, Pencil, Color Replacement, Mixer Brush
SClone Stamp, Pattern Stamp
YHistory Brush, Art History Brush
EEraser tools
GGradient, Paint Bucket, 3D Material Drop
ODodge, Burn, Sponge
PPen tools
TType tools
APath Selection, Direct Selection
URectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Line, Custom Shape
RRotate View
DDefault colors
XSwitch Foreground and Background colors
QQuick Mask Mode